SOS Lead Contact Information
SOS Ministry has been providing aid and information in the following five (5) major service areas, under the leadership of:
Salvi Altomare……………………………………….. 412-780-6929 ([email protected])
Bill Molyneaux…………………………………….....412-215-0560 ([email protected])
1. Home and Transportation Services (HaTS) Team
HaTS Office …………………….………….. 412-793-4511 ext-107
Barb Kelly …………………….……..…….. 724-327-3996 ([email protected])
Barb Manganello………………………... 412-795-9753 ([email protected])
Mary Ann Stoops …………………….….. 412-795-3984 ([email protected])
Faith Sisk………………….…………….…...412-736-8570 ([email protected])
Kathy Ballina………..............…..……….412-310-1490 ([email protected])
2. Senior and Caregiver Services Directory
Carl Vitalbo ……………………………...412-798-9147 ([email protected])
3. Social Activity Services
Irene Plutto ……………………………...724-733-8146 ([email protected])
4. Seminar/Information Sessions
Kathy Ballina……………………..……….412-310-1490 ([email protected])
5. Legal Information Services
John Fullen .…………………………….724-327-6014 ([email protected])
Each of these five areas has one to three lead organizers and at least three or four volunteers in each area. We have over 35 volunteers registered to assist with SOS. Some of those volunteers work with the Home and Transportation Ministry and have undergone extensive training. We encourage anyone who is a member of OPV, is 55 and older, and in need of home or transportation services to call and register. Recipients must be registered before they can receive any services. We are here to serve you.
Please review each of the areas on the following pages to see where we might best be able to serve you. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you to the best of our ability. God Bless